Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I arrived at Bonnie View (my Mecca) at 5:30pm yesterday, to follow up on the possible Grey Currawong. Smoke, on some of the peaks to the south, grabbed my attention. I rang my wife, got her to look up numbers for the rural fire service etc. I ended up calling 000 and reporting it. The woman who took my call wasn't 100% sure what was going on. Strangely, I'd been thinking about fire in Morton NP earlier in the day, or maybe, I'd dreamt about it overnight. I was thinking about a fire's ferocity, celerity, the whole damn spectacle of it. I considered how long you'd wait to escape its brutishness if you were watching its dark dance from Bonnie View. Truly odd. Looking at the NSW Government's Environment & Heritage website this morning, I read that our rural fire fighters were doing some strategic fuel reduction burns near Tallong, at Caoura Ridge. This will tame the venom in summer wildfire. LJ, September 4 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, the NPWS are using the last patch of cool weather to finish their burn-off schedule.
    Burnt at Budderoo Plateau, (south-east from Robertson) today.
