Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Peter Lach-Newinsky just sent me an email to say that 2 Latham's Snipe are on his property. It's good to have them safely back again after they've endured what must be testing migratory wanderings from Japan. LJ, November 26 2013.

Sunday, November 24, 2013


2 Great Cormorants flying over Coffee Culture (most unexpected). A Swamp Harrier being harassed by Little Ravens down Shangri la Road (about time I saw one in Bundanoon). Nice one. LJ, 24 November 2013.

Friday, November 22, 2013


Earlier in the week, a Nankeen Kestrel was soaring high over my house. I had to get my nocs on it so as to properly id. it. I don't think I've ever seen a NK soaring before. LJ, 22 November 2013.


The other day at Bonnie View, there was a Beautiful Firetail with nesting material in its mouth. It's been months since I last saw one in Bundy. The bird's red, so cutting/dazzling in its green-grey context, just brings the world back to life. LJ, November 22 2013.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


I didn't expect to see an Eastern Long-necked Tortoise and an Eastern Water Dragon sunbathing together on a slimy log jutting out of a creek not far from Shangri la Road today, when it was muggy, before rain decided to make a day of it. This is the same creek where I've spotted both Swamp Rat and Platypus. An Azure Kingfisher patrols the creek now and again. So, a healthy ecosystem. Today's Tortoise was munching on something unrecognisable, vaguely fishy. At my approach, both creatures plummeted to the water and vanished without a trace (the Dragon was particularly nervous, getting going before the Tortoise). That's the first time I've seen each creature in Bundanoon. If only I'd had my camera! LJ, November 16 2013.

Friday, November 8, 2013


I've had two recent reports of Eastern Brown Snake sightings in town. One EBS was seen swimming across the pool at the bottom of Erith Coal Mine's falls (cool!), the other was seen on a property next to the railway lines, close to Penrose Rd. I've only seen two Eastern Brown Snakes in my life, one of which was dead, so I'd love to see another. A herpetologist was on ABC radio the other morning saying a woman recently died from an EBS bite. Apparently, she wasn't aware she'd been bitten by the thing and got medical attention too late. Poor woman. On another note, there was a dead, almost four-foot long, Red-bellied Black Snake by the side of Penrose Rd about two weeks ago. LJ, November 8 2013.